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Proactive and Academic Circle Keeping

RJ in the Classroom Institute: This workshop is for teachers, youth workers, and other professionals who wish to build community and facilitate circles at their school, organization, or agency. Participants will learn the underlying assumptions, primary features, and fundamental processes of community building circles through direct experience and reflection. Participants will have the opportunity to…

Restorative Communication and Rapid Response Restorative Processes

RJ in the Classroom Institute: Do you want the capacity to respond in the moment of conflict and create connection with people when situations feel like they are escalating quickly without resolution? We invite teachers, administrators and school staff to join us for an interactive session where you will have the opportunity to self-reflect when…

Special Education and Restorative Justice

RJ in the Classroom Institute: Restorative practices can be extremely useful for helping schools support students with disabilities during this time of uncertainty and disruption of the normal school environment. Participants will explore the current needs of students with disabilities and their families; and identify how restorative practices can be utilized for establishing connections, problem-solving,…

R.E.I.D. (Race, Equity, Inclusion and Diversity) and Restorative Justice

RJ in the Classroom Institute: This PD will examine the impact of racism, inequity, and exclusion on the learning environment and developing safe spaces to have courageous conversations using the RJ circle process. These circles combine ancient practices and modern procedures to focus on essential relationships and listening. Connecting in a circle allows for communicating,…

Drama and Games for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Older Students

RJ in the Classroom Institute: Social and emotional development through drama and games provide a living laboratory for your restorative circles that enables participants to practice engaging in creative ways to build community, approach problems, express feelings, and clarify values. It mirrors relevant social and personal issues that young people face daily and explores various…

Restorative Justice for Young Learners

RJ in the Classroom Institute: For restorative practices to be useful for young learners, restorative practitioners must consider the developmental range of children in grades K-8 and accommodate a young learner's attention span, energy level, learning style, and expressive and receptive language capacity. This experiential workshop for teachers, administrators, school staff, and early education workers…

The Language of Hope for Engagement

RJ in the Classroom Institute: The way we speak and the words we use have tremendous power to inspire or discourage. The language of virtues empowers us to act on the best within us. It is the main ingredient for creating a culture of character. Workshop participants will learn how to use language to build…

Restorative Discipline During Re-Entry and Recovery in School Communities

RJ and Student Behavior Institute: This workshop is designed to allow educators, administrators and school staff to reimagine school discipline through a multi-tiered approach. Participants will begin to explore discipline practices that are designed to support educators in the classroom, examine conditions of learning, and explore needs and harms as a part of promoting prosocial…

Restorative Responses to Behavior

RJ and Student Behavior Institute: This workshop is designed to build the capacity of school leaders, teachers, and support staff to practice a restorative response to behaviors in school. Through the restorative lens, participants will explore various techniques and strategies to effectively communicate with students when they disrupt community norms or expectations. Participants will gain…

Trauma Awareness and Restorative Steps to Brain Regulation

RJ and Student Behavior Institute: Our capacity to regulate our behaviors, deal with conflicts, and be ready to learn depends on whether our nervous systems are functioning in survival or safe mode. The capacity to regulate (calm) our nervous system is greatly impacted by the layers of trauma that mark us and how we are…

Responsive Circle Implementation

RJ and Student Behavior Institute: This practice-based workshop is for school staff who aim to incorporate responsive peacemaking circles into their classrooms and community. The training will focus on responsive circles and the structured intervention for severe and complex incidents of harm. Participants will utilize mock disciplinary scenarios to practice a responsive circle, conduct preparatory…

Support Circle Keeping

RJ and Student Behavior Institute: Support circles are a structured process for engaging students who are struggling, have complex needs, or are returning to the school community after a long absence. Support circles bring together the student, family members, relevant school staff, social service providers, and others to provide a web of support for the…

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