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Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: Highschool and Young Adult Program Restorative Justice Implementation Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support…

Restorative Frameworks for Discipline in the New Normal

This two-part workshop is designed to build the capacity of school leaders, teachers, and support staff in their approach to behaviors during SY20-21 when school communities will be facing unprecedented challenges. During the first day of the workshop, participants will review responsive restorative techniques and strategies to effectively communicate with students when they disrupt community…

City-Wide Open Restorative Justice Planning Session

Join Restorative DC and other members of the DC school community for a virtual individual and team Planning Session. This two-hour session is designed to support participants in planning, exploration, problem-solving, and implementation of Restorative Practices. These sessions are flexible in order to meet the various needs of participants. Come as an individual, or with…

Restorative Communication and Questions

Join us for an interactive session where you will be able to explore, strengthen, and expand your understanding of restorative practices and learn how to use language to create a more peaceful, trusting, and meaningful connection with others at home and at school. As a result of actively participating in this workshop you will be…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: General RJ Implementation Restorative Justice Implementation (open to ALL)  Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: General RJ Implementation Restorative Justice Implementation (open to ALL)  Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support…

Restorative Justice for Staff Engagement and Wellness

As staff return to school communities, they will be asked to manage complex schedules including on-line and in-person instruction, facilitate the increased needs of students and families, and maintain shifting resources while balancing their own households, health needs, and possible grief due to the loss of loved ones. This workshop will introduce participants to staff…

We’re in this Together: Listening and Sharing Session

Come as you are to be in community with other D.C. educators. We understand the ongoing challenges of an uncertain school year. RDC is shifting its community of practice to become listening and sharing sessions to discuss issues and strategies impacting our D.C. school communities. Listening and sharing sessions are facilitated group discussions to reflect,…

Youth Engagement Through Restorative Justice

Successful restorative schools empower youth to have a voice on issues that affect them, influence culture change, lead restorative practices, co-create school norms and policies, and take initiative to shape their community. Meaningful youth leadership not only requires providing opportunities for youth leadership but training adults in the school on how to let youth genuinely…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including: Family Engagement, Student Engagement, Staff Engagement, Behavior and Discipline Approach, and Content Delivery. Our highly trained staff will coach participants…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including: Family Engagement, Student Engagement, Staff Engagement, Behavior and Discipline Approach, and Content Delivery. Our highly trained staff will coach participants…

Games, Engagers, and Brain Breaks

This two-hour training will give school staff strategies for incorporating humor, fun, connection, and energy into on-line sessions with students. Participants will be exposed to a range of activities that have been adapted for use in various online platforms. The session includes an exploration of the role of Ice Breakers, Brain Breaks, and Student Engagers…

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