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PD: Restorative Justice and Micro Circles

We often hear how restorative responsive processes take a lot of time or involve a lot of preparation and support. In this two-hour workshop, we will explore how to "walk towards conflict" and develop a "Conflict-Capable" culture in your classrooms, teams and schools. Participants will be introduced to a micro-circle process that can be used…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including Family Engagement,…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including Family Engagement,…

PD: Restorative Justice, Mental Health and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Restorative practices are dialogue-based processes that center a community around equitable and inclusive relationships of trust, understanding, and collaboration. These practices, including community building circles, are trauma-informed and provide ample opportunities for social-emotional learning for students, school staff, and families. During this workshop participants will explore how restorative practices can be utilized to provide key…

PD: Restorative Frameworks for Discipline in the New Normal (Two-part)

This two-part workshop is designed to build the capacity of school leaders, teachers, and support staff in their approach to behaviors during SY20-21 when school communities will be facing unprecedented challenges. During the first day of the workshop, participants will review responsive restorative techniques and strategies to effectively communicate with students when they disrupt community…

City-Wide Open RJ Planning Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Join Restorative DC and other members of the DC school community in our citywide virtual individual and team Planning Sessions to support participants in planning, exploration, problem-solving, and implementation. These sessions are flexible in order to meet…

PD: Virtual Circle Keeping

As we rebuild our school networks, restorative community-building circles provide an opportunity and space to reflect, grieve, celebrate, and plan for the future in the new “normal.” This workshop is targeted to school staff with some experience conducting community-building circles and will provide the tools and techniques necessary for transitioning to virtual circle-keeping. Participants will…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including Family Engagement,…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including Family Engagement,…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including Family Engagement,…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building session. These sessions are designed to support individuals or small groups representing various learning communities focusing on primary elements of Restorative Justice including: Family Engagement,…

PD: Preparing for Winter Break (Before and After)

This workshop will examine the dynamics of preparing the school community for winter break and welcoming students and families back in January. The continuum of restorative practices will be reviewed with a focus on applications that address the specific needs that arise during this time of the school year and the unique challenges of the…

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