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Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: General Restorative Justice Implementation (open to ALL) Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support and…

Restorative Justice Applications and Alignment within a Multi-Tiered System of Support

According to the US Department of Education, a positive school culture fosters safety, promotes a positive academic, disciplinary and physical environment, and encourages trusting and caring relationships between adults and students. As different initiatives work toward a common vision of improving school climate, how can schools organize high-quality systems and practices to create consistent outcomes?…

Restorative DC’s February Community of Practice

Join Restorative DC and other members of the DC school community for the February RJ Community of Practice meeting. We have designed these sessions to provide space for connection, grieving, celebration and supporting each other. Come as you are to be in community with others from schools across DC. Throughout SY20-21, Restorative DC will sponsor…

Restorative Justice and Special Education

Restorative practices can be extremely useful for helping schools support students with disabilities during this time of uncertainty and disruption of the normal school environment. Participants will explore the current needs of students with disabilities and their families; and identify how restorative practices can be utilized for establishing connections, problem-solving, and creating inclusive, socially connected,…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: Early Age to Young Elementary Restorative Justice Implementation Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: Early Age - Young Elementary Restorative Justice Implementation Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support…

Restorative Justice for Staff Engagement and Wellness

As staff return to school communities, they will be asked to manage complex schedules including on-line and in-person instruction, facilitate the increased needs of students and families, and maintain shifting resources while balancing their own households, health needs, and possible grief due to the loss of loved ones. This workshop will introduce participants to staff…

Restorative Justice: Building and Sustaining Community

In this workshop, participants will explore the building blocks of restorative practices and how to utilize them to sustain a positive school culture and climate. Participants will gain practical strategies and ideas that energize and re-energize your learning community (staff, students and families) and deepen your understanding of how to integrate restorative practices with similar…

City-Wide Open Restorative Justice Planning Session

Join Restorative DC and other members of the DC school community for a virtual individual and team Planning Session. This two-hour session is designed to support participants in planning, exploration, problem-solving, and implementation of Restorative Practices. These sessions are flexible in order to meet the various needs of participants. Come as an individual, or with…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

This Week's Focus: Older Elementary - Middle School Restorative Justice Implementation Wherever you are with your restorative justice learning and implementation, with your trials, success stories, “F.A.I.L.s” (First Attempts in Learning!), and latest inquiries or even skepticism or fatigue, come and join us on one of our coaching open hours! Discuss and share practical applications. Get support…

Rapid Response Restorative Process (Micro Circle)

We often hear how restorative responsive processes take a lot of time or involve a lot of preparation and support. In this two-hour workshop, we will explore how to "walk towards conflict" and develop a "Conflict-Capable" culture in your classrooms, teams, and schools. Participants will be introduced to a micro-circle process that can be used…

R.E.I.D (Race, Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity) and Restorative Justice

In this two-hour interactive workshop, participants will examine the impact of racism, inequity, and exclusion on the learning environment and learn how to develop safe spaces to have courageous conversations using the RJ circle process. These circles combine ancient practices and modern procedures to focus on essential relationships and listening. Connecting in a circle allows…

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