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Special Education & Restorative Justice

Target Audience: Administrators, School Staff, Teachers Restorative justice is a philosophy and approach rooted in indigenous traditions for building community and responding to harm. Schools worldwide are extending this tradition and applying restorative principles to manage classrooms and create inclusive, socially connected, and supportive learning environments. We are committed to educating youth regardless of their…

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action

In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support.  These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community.  You will leave with both…

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action

In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support.  These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community.  You will leave with both…

Restorative Justice, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Mental Health

Target Audience: School Staff, Teachers This session runs from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with an optional planning hour from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Restorative practices are dialogue-based processes that center a community on equitable and inclusive relationships of trust, understanding, and collaboration. These practices, including community-building circles, are trauma-informed and provide ample opportunities…

Restorative Approach to Discipline

Target Audience: Administrators, School Staff, Teachers In this session, we invite participants to re-imagine school discipline through a multi-tiered approach. Join us to explore discipline practices designed to support educators in the classroom, examine conditions of learning, and explore needs and harms as a part of promoting prosocial behaviors. Participants will learn about the continuum…

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action

In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support. These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community. You will leave with both…

Community of Practice: Community & Connection – Sharing Promising Restorative Practices

Restorative DC is excited to connect with current and new restorative practitioners, coordinators, and school support staff, educational support and community-based organizations throughout the District of Columbia as part of our Community of Practice (CoP) series for SchoolYear 2021-22.The CoP will provide participants with an opportunity to:  Participate in city-wide problem solving group activities. Explore…

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action

In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support. These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community. You will leave with both…

RJ Fundamentals in a Changing World

Target Audience: Administrators, School Staff, Students, Teachers This session runs from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with an optional planning hour from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Join us as we introduce restorative concepts and explore the continuum of restorative practices. Strategies include using proactive circles for strengthening relationships and social-emotional skills and implementing restorative…

Introduction to Rapid Response Restorative Processes (Micro-Circles)

Target Audience: School Staff, Teachers Do you often experience that restorative responses to conflict take a lot of preparation or time? Micro-Circles are a restorative process to address conflict between two or three people. They are excellent when you want to rapidly respond in the moment with minimal preparation. Join us for an introduction to…

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action

In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support. These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community. You will leave with both…

Coaching and Skill Building; Restorative Practices in Action

In these highly experiential coaching sessions, you are invited to bring your unique challenges and questions and get on-the-spot coaching and group-peer support. These sessions may take us on pedagogical, behavioral, ethical, personal and cultural reflections and insights on how restorative practices can support individuals and our sense of community. You will leave with both…

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