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City-Wide Open RJ Planning Session

Join Restorative DC and other members of the DC school community in our first citywide virtual individual and team Planning Sessions to support participants in planning, exploration, problem-solving, and implementation.…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building…

PD: Restorative Justice for Staff Engagement and Wellness

As staff return to school communities, they will be asked to manage complex schedules including on-line and in-person instruction, facilitate the increased needs of students and families, and maintain shifting…

Community of Practice

Resilience, Bravery, and Safety in Challenging Times We invite our community to join us on Wednesday, November 4 from 1 to 3 p.m. for a discussion and reflection of resilience,…

PD: Agreement Writing in Restorative Processes

Conducting effective preventative or responsive circles requires the facilitator to be able to help the participants create meaningful agreements that address the roots of the problem and are sustainable over…

PD: Games, Engagers, and Brain Breaks

This two-hour training will give school staff strategies for incorporating humor, fun, connection, and energy into on-line sessions with students. Participants will be exposed to a range of activities that…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building…

Coaching & Skill-Building Session

Join RestorativeDC for our Fall Technical Assistance series to support RJ work in DC Schools this school year! Restorative DC will support participants in a highly customized Coaching and Skill-Building…

PD: Restorative Communication and Questions

Join us for an interactive session where you will be able to explore, strengthen, and expand your understanding of restorative practices and learn how to use language to create a…

PD: Restorative Justice and Micro Circles

We often hear how restorative responsive processes take a lot of time or involve a lot of preparation and support. In this two-hour workshop, we will explore how to "walk…

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