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Restorative Justice, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & Mental Health

Target Audience: School Staff, Teachers Restorative practices are dialogue-based processes that center a community on equitable and inclusive relationships of trust, understanding, and collaboration. These practices, including community-building circles, are…

Proactive & Academic Circle Keeping

Target Audience: Teachers, Youth Workers, Other Professionals Are you interested in building community and facilitating circles at your school or in the community? Participants will learn the underlying assumptions, primary…

Community of Practice- Celebrations In Person

More information regarding location and registration coming soon. Email for more information. Restorative DC is excited to connect with current and new restorative practitioners, coordinators, and school support staff,…

Professional Development: Creating Restorative Advisory Periods

Advisory periods provide key opportunities to build community, develop communication, leadership and self-awareness skills, deepen peer support and create pathways for academic, career and healthy relationship goals. In this session,…

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